(Ok, so posting that I took a pledge on social media, LinkedIn, and telling you here does feel a bit icky and performative. But what is the alternative? Stay silent?)
Before 2020, I had contemplated sharing my personal stories of racist, sexist, and just plain ego-driven meanness in the apparel industry. But I kept shrinking away from it.
Why? Because although I am not white, I have built-in privileges in my name, Ludmila, and my German language and citizenship, keys that have opened doors for me throughout my life.
I didn’t have to do anything to earn those privileges. Born and raised in Germany, my mom picked a Russian name and VOILA! I couldn’t easily be put into a box.
Category: Behind the scene Fashion Designers
Video Fashion Design process from idea to finished garment – Designer Eva Franco
Today I am sharing this great quick lovely video by Los Angeles Fashion Designer Eva Franco who let’s us peak into her studio and follow along her design process.
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