Video – Week 6 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series – How to create a fringe along an angles seam line on flat sketch

Fringe is in, once again, and just in case you work in the apparel industry long enough to see it circle around as a trend once more, let’s practice how to create some interesting fringe edge hemline in Illustrator that is on an angle. You can watch the video on our blog below or on our youtube channel. The files  that I am using in the video are available for download and for taking apart in the Free Member area (click here). 

Week 6 free fashion flat sketch fringe edge dress angled hemline
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3 Videos – Week 5 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series – How to create a sparkle (shiny) sequins brush with pixels (scanned or photographic details)

During this week’s tutorial(s), I hope that everyone walks away with something they have not tried before. We are going to have 3 videos covering the basic flat sequins brush creation, then step it up by dividing the different segments to create a dull sparkle and then in the advanced video we are going to create a brush that uses real images and change the pattern brushes’ color right inside of Illustrator. You can watch the video on our blog below or on our youtube channel. The files  that I am using in the video are available for download and for taking apart in the Free Member area (click here). 

Week 5 free fashion flat sketch sparkle sequins brush on crop top
Continue reading “3 Videos – Week 5 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series – How to create a sparkle (shiny) sequins brush with pixels (scanned or photographic details)”

Video Week 4 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series -How to use gradients, ombre or dip dye effect inside of fashion flat sketch detail

Tada Week 4 is here of our 52 week series of Illustrator tips for fashion design. Join in anytime. Watch the videos on our blog below/ youtube channel. The files  that I am using in the video are available for download and for taking apart in the Free Member area (click here). 
Week 4 free fashion flat sketch ombre sweater gradient
Continue reading “Video Week 4 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series -How to use gradients, ombre or dip dye effect inside of fashion flat sketch detail”

Video Week 3 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series – Dress fashion flat sketch cascading ruffle details – Rotate print inside of flat sketch detail

Week 3 is here of our 52 week series of Illustrator tips for fashion design. Join in anytime. Watch the videos on our blog below/ youtube channel. The files  that I am using in the video are available for download and for taking apart in the Free Member area (click here). 
52 weeks fashion flat sketching
Continue reading “Video Week 3 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series – Dress fashion flat sketch cascading ruffle details – Rotate print inside of flat sketch detail”

Video Week 2 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series – Dress fashion flat sketch tiny triangles details

Week 2 is here of our 52 week series of Illustrator tips for fashion design. Join in anytime. Watch the videos on our blog below/ youtube channel. The files  that I am using in the video are available for download and for taking apart in the Free Member area (click here). 
52 weeks fashion flat sketching
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Video Week 1 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series – Coat fashion flat sketch details

Today we are starting our 52 week series of Illustrator tips for fashion design. Join in anytime. Watch the videos on our blog below/ youtube channel. The files  that I am using in the video are available for download and for taking apart in the Free Member area (click here). 
52 weeks fashion flat sketching
Continue reading “Video Week 1 – 52 weeks Adobe Illustrator for fashion design series – Coat fashion flat sketch details”

Summer Workshops – Learn Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6


My June and July schedule for live classes is up and you can click here to see the details.

Pretty much I  have a set of beginners for Illustrator for fashion design and non fashion design and a beginners for Photoshop for fashion design and non fashion design.

Continue reading “Summer Workshops – Learn Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6”

Free Friday Mini Fashion Webinar – Illustrator for Fashion Graphics


Have you seen the beautiful colorful

city of Melbourne’s logo options that are floating around Australia? Click here to visit their gallery.

Young, fresh, colorful and a logo that the city’s citizen can be mighty proud of. Being the geek that I am I had to ask myself how can I quickly draw and come up with these many options for any letter that I will ever draw for logos and graphics? I’ll talk a bit about the process here, but why don’t you join me on 11/11/2011 at 12:30pm PST time live online? [sws_button class=”” size=”sws_btn_medium” align=”” href=”″ target=”_blank” label=”Click to register” template=”sws_btn_default” textcolor=”” bgcolor=”” bgcolorhover=”” glow=”sws_btn_glow”] [/sws_button] Continue reading “Free Friday Mini Fashion Webinar – Illustrator for Fashion Graphics”