Free Friday Mini Fashion Webinar – Illustrator for Fashion Graphics


Have you seen the beautiful colorful

city of Melbourne’s logo options that are floating around Australia? Click here to visit their gallery.

Young, fresh, colorful and a logo that the city’s citizen can be mighty proud of. Being the geek that I am I had to ask myself how can I quickly draw and come up with these many options for any letter that I will ever draw for logos and graphics? I’ll talk a bit about the process here, but why don’t you join me on 11/11/2011 at 12:30pm PST time live online? [sws_button class=”” size=”sws_btn_medium” align=”” href=”″ target=”_blank” label=”Click to register” template=”sws_btn_default” textcolor=”” bgcolor=”” bgcolorhover=”” glow=”sws_btn_glow”] [/sws_button] Continue reading “Free Friday Mini Fashion Webinar – Illustrator for Fashion Graphics”

Where are the free friday fashion webinars?

For those of you who have come to my site wondering about the “webinar situation”…

I have had a bit of a health scare this summer and I am going to have surgery in September.

With that said, I have a target of resuming the webinars in late October of 2011.

The easiest way to stay informed about the webinars is to connect with me on twitter and facebook. Continue reading “Where are the free friday fashion webinars?”

Free Friday Mini Fashion Webinar- Flat sketches and fabrics in Photshop

Do your hand sketches look great and you do not want to use the computer to draw them because you are quickly done doing it with traditional pencil and paper?
You can have the best of both the hand sketched fashion flats and using Photoshop for bringing the fabrics inside.
Join me for a quick free webinar covering the 3 different ways that you need to know to put textiles, fabrics into flat sketches inside of Photoshop CS5 Continue reading “Free Friday Mini Fashion Webinar- Flat sketches and fabrics in Photshop”

How to create a flat sketch in Illustrator – changes in process since CS3 to CS5

Scroll down to see images of some of the tutorial that I will go over.
Join me for a quick free webinar covering what has changed to make our work flow for creating flat sketches as a fashion designer faster since Adobe came out with Illustrator CS5? Continue reading “How to create a flat sketch in Illustrator – changes in process since CS3 to CS5”

Free Friday Mini Fashion Webinar – Textiles in Illustrator

So I have been thinking about offering these free mini sessions every other Friday and I think I am going to just go for it this week.   No more procrastinating!

Attendees will receive the free files after webinar !   100 seats available. Continue reading “Free Friday Mini Fashion Webinar – Textiles in Illustrator”