Video sneak peeks new Photoshop: New interface, rich cursor support, background save for Photoshop – really?


Oh… I am so excited that Adobe is starting their sneak peeks. Being a beta tester with Adobe is a huge privilege, but the problem is that you are not allowed to talk about anything to anyone… yes we do have a forum to talk to about things to other pre-release tester, but it’s not the same as talking to you Fashion and Textile design community.


But here is something official that you can view and I won’t get in trouble for. And it is a great new feature that has been requested for a long time. Background SAVE!
Continue reading “Video sneak peeks new Photoshop: New interface, rich cursor support, background save for Photoshop – really?”

Sweepstakes! What would you change in Illustrator or Photoshop? Fashion designers opinions wanted?

Update! I closed the blog entries at this time. Thank you for reading.

Fashion designers! What are the most troubling issues that you have had or are having with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop? What would you add inside of either software to fix it? Get an answer from the creators of Illustrator and Photoshop the “Adobe Team”**.

Continue reading “Sweepstakes! What would you change in Illustrator or Photoshop? Fashion designers opinions wanted?”

How long have you been using Photoshop? Happy 20th Birthday!

last year was photoshop‘s 20th birthday.

during adobe  max’s 2010 conference i was able to explore and take some pictures of the evolution of the photoshop software since it’s very first version. Continue reading “How long have you been using Photoshop? Happy 20th Birthday!”