Welcome to your Adobe ® Illustrator ® for Fashion Design course


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How it works
Videos and exercise files are accessible via links through the course home page here (scroll down). 

  • All videos may be watched in full-screen mode by clicking on the lower right corner. In the video frame. The volume control is on the right side, next to the play/ pause button.
  • This photo is an example (it is not a clickable link)of how your video frames are going to look. 



  • Give the video a little while to load.
  • Try not to have multiple chapters (web pages/ tabs) open. Having multiple pages with videos open at the same time will slow down your video load time.

Navigation example
  • The course pages have an easy navigation that will help to find the course homepage, previous and next chapter pages.
  • Note that you can mark each unit as completed as you successfully finish the episodes.


Exercise Files

Click on the image to open up the exercise files download page for this course.


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[wpcourse course=”3″ module_desc=”false” show_title=”false” show_desc=”false” /]

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