Where are the free friday fashion webinars?

Cover up fashion flat sketch line sheet

For those of you who have come to my site wondering about the “webinar situation”…

I have had a bit of a health scare this summer and I am going to have surgery in September.

With that said, I have a target of resuming the webinars in late October of 2011.

The easiest way to stay informed about the webinars is to connect with me on twitter and facebook.

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My newsletter does not always find the space or come out in time enough to register, but it announces other big news and the occasional freebies.

In the meantime you could help me by letting me know what kind of short sweet topics you are interested in learning about?

Here are some that have been suggested to me in pictures and in written form via email, twitter, facebook and of course in the comments section in my blog.

  • How to create finishing trims and details for fashion design in Illustrator?
  • How to use the new 3d features creatively for textile design in Illustrator CS5/ Photoshop CS5?
  • How to use and color separate the new water color features in Illustrator CS5/ Photoshop CS5?

 Cover up line sheetSpicing up your Trend boardsPocket squares looking easier than you think [/sws_yellow_box]

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